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Webhook call

This represents a log entry in the webhooks activity list, detailing a specific webhook event along with its delivery attempt information.

Object payload

id  string
ID of webhook call
type  string
Must be exactly "webhook_call"
entity_type  enum  Example: "item"

The subject of webhook triggering

event_type  enum  Example: "update"

The event that triggers the webhook call

created_at  date-time  Example: "2016-09-20T18:50:24.914Z"

The moment the event was created

request_url  string  Example: ""

The url that the webhook called

request_headers  object  Example: {"Accept":"*/*","User-Agent":"DatoCMS (","Authorization":"Basic Y2lhbzptaWFv","Content-Type":"application/json"}

The request's headers

request_payload  string  Example: "{\"webhook_call_id\":\"103216210\",\"event_triggered_at\":\"2024-08-26T12:49:16Z\",\"attempted_auto_retries_count\":0,\"webhook_id\":\"28374\",\"site_id\":\"205\",\"environment\":\"main\",\"is_environment_primary\":true,\"entity_type\":\"maintenance_mode\",\"event_type\":\"change\",\"entity\":{\"id\":\"maintenance_mode\",\"type\":\"maintenance_mode\",\"attributes\":{\"active\":false}},\"related_entities\":[]}"

The webhook's request payload is encoded as a string. Use JSON.parse() to parse it.

response_status  integer, null  Example: 200

The status of the response

response_headers  object, null  Example: {"via":"1.1 vegur, 1.1 (CloudFront)","date":"Fri, 27 Jul 2018 11:59:20 GMT","server":"gunicorn/19.6.0"}

The response's headers

response_payload  string, null  Example: "ok"

The body of the response

attempted_auto_retries_count  integer  Example: 2

The number of retries attempted so far

last_sent_at  date-time  Example: "2016-09-20T18:50:24.914Z"

The last moment the call occurred

next_retry_at  date-time, null  Example: "2016-09-20T18:50:24.914Z"

The date when the next retry attempt is scheduled to run. If no retry attempt is scheduled, it is set to null

status  enum  Example: "success"

The current status

webhook{ type: "webhook", id: }

The webhook which has been called

Available endpoints